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The projects we support

Association Learn and Grow, LnG, supports educational projects in Cambodia:

  • Beyond the rice fields, in 2018 and 2023

  • The CKN professional training center, training of trainers, support for students on scholarships, since 2019, every year.

Other projects will follow.

Projets CKN

Association Learn and Grow has financially supported NGO CKN's projects every year since 2019.


  • Financial support of 1500 EUR sent in July 2019, June 2020, September 2021, December 2022, 2023, 2024


​As part of our missions to support existing educational structures, and encouraging development potential for children and young people, we support several CKN projects such as training of trainers or support for students on scholarship.
As an indication, the training of a future trainer is done over 2 years, and for 2 trainees, the budget represents 3,400 USD (equivalent to 3,000 EUR). We also support scholarship students to enable them to integrate the training program.
The project consists of allocating a scholarship for pre-selected trainees in order to provide access to applied technical and professional training under good conditions. The funds are intended to:

  • a scholarship for food and travel on site for training,

  • the purchase of solar pump, greenhouse, garden hoses, seeds, fertilizer for practical training in electronics and solar (automation of watering for the cultivation of the vegetable garden in the boarding school)

  • costs for internships in companies.

The expected impacts of the project are numerous. Indeed, the student-trainers, once trained, will then be able to have a job and fit professionally and economically into the labor market. In addition, after being trained, they themselves will train other trainees in the CKN Center for a minimum of 2 years (multiplier effect).
The implementation phases are:

  1. Theoretical and practical training at the Center and in companies

  2. Putting the training in electronics and solar into practice: automation of the watering of the vegetable garden set up by the students.

The impact and progress of the project will be measured by theoretical and practical examinations as well as the concrete results (operation of the automatic watering system, harvest of vegetables and fruits for the boarding school, etc.).
The implementation of this project is based on the achievements and existing structures on site: trainers in activity at the Center since 1997, campus and boarding school existing since 2002, containers of recovery materials received regularly from France intended to practical training, tools and didactic support provided (electronic assembly kit, components for mounting solar panels, etc.), theoretical and practical training in real situations in the Center and in companies.

We are confident in the smooth running of this project.

Thank you to everyone who helped us support this project!

CKN Educational Projects

  • In March 2023, Association Learn and Grow sent a donation of 1000 EUR to continue supporting the project “Beyond the Rice Fields”.

  • In September 2018, LnG sent a donation of 1500 EUR to support the launch of the project  “Beyond the Rice Fields”.

Association Learn and Grow supports the launch of the project  "Beyond the Rice Fields", initiated and founded by Sokphal Ngo-Sisowath whose initial stage was to build a free educational, socio-cultural and sports center for all the inhabitants of the village of O Krassar, in the province of Kep in Cambodia. Jean-Paul Ordan, the architect of the project, estimated the overall "construction" budget of the Center between 10,000 and 15,000 USD.
The Center has been active since March 2018 thanks to the educational activities launched by Aurélie Gayot, project manager and director of the Center from March 2018 to March 2019. The children gathered around the existing house, but it was in a state of disrepair and in urgent need of renovation. There was no building to accommodate the children in complete safety and to store the collected material.
As a priority, "Beyond the rice fields" therefore needed funds for educational activities and the renovation/construction of the main building, comprising a classroom, toilets, storage, a well and an electrical installation.
The work was able to start on March 11, 2019 with 7800 EUR collected. This sum comes in particular from fundraising by Aurélie Gayot, the contribution of the Made in Cambodia association for 5000 EUR, the participation of Association Learn and Grow for 1500 EUR and other donors, including "Jardin des langues Ayravady”.
Due to the fragility of the original house, it was decided to dismantle it and build a new building next to it. The wood and salvageable parts of the house were sold and the sum obtained was added to the funds for the Centre. The construction phase was very fast and this part of the project was completed at the end of April 2019.

The project is currently following its course, a new director arrived in March 2019. Aurélie Gayot continues to be closely involved. Since then, we have been following the evolution of the Center on their page Facebook and Instagram and we remain in contact with the people in charge of the project, notably Aurélie. 

Project: Beyond the rice fields


You can follow the evolution of activities on our Facebook page Learn and Grow Association 

©2016-2025 Association Learn and Grow - Luxembourg RCS F10598

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